jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Frank Serpico


GERONIMO? One of America's greatest warriors?
Gung Ho assassins?
Yes, Ben Laden the man is dead, riddled with hate.
The same hate that brought about 911.

Be not proud America.
Who will bring US to Justice?
The Peoples History of the United States speaks volumes of injustice.
Two wars for a cause that never was.

Who will make for peace? WHEN?
Any fool can hate, any fool can kill.
Who will save the children?
Lies can not blind children orphaned by war

When will love replace hate?
Truth replace lies?
wisdom replace ignorance?
Humility replace arrogance?
Peace replace power and war?

Why do a people who want to bring peace to the world
create the most weapons of mass destruction?
Who will make for peace?
If not you, WHO

"This is who we are"
Who are we then?
The Peoples history bears witness to who we are.
But, who will we become?
What are we becoming?

The cause of JUSTICE
Is not just for US

Yes, Ben Laden is dead
Or is HE
